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 He Tien white jade is one of the most representative and charming gems in China, which is praised as a unique element of oriental culture. Being the favourite treasure of the emperors, aristocrats, courtiers and elites in the ancient China, white jade became a symbol of traditional Chinese culture.

 With extreme rigidity, shine, and pure sound, white jade symbols noble man. Therefore collecting white jade represents spiritual enjoyment of high quality.

 The white jades we select are of the best quality in He Tien and designed and carved by famous artists in China such as Mr. Ni Wei Bin. Some of our works have won the prizes in the most prestigious and eye-catching competition of jade art in Beijing, Tien Gong Award(initiated in 2002).

 Please visit us if you are interested in exclusive works of He Tien white jade. We welcome our guests with sincerity and professionalism.


歡 迎 光 臨 和 玉 堂 網 站 ,本 站 圖 片 請 勿 轉 載

地 址 :台 北 市 建 國 南 路 一 段 287 號 一 樓 101 室

電話: (02)27542333 FAX: (02)27542282